Re: udev is too slow creating devices

From: Alexander E. Patrakov
Date: Sun Sep 19 2004 - 06:54:59 EST

Ihar 'Philips' Filipau wrote:
Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:

Nope, Greg is right. Drivers themselves won't necessarily provide
you with the device interface in a synchronous way after they are
loaded, and some will certainly never. It is all an asynchronous process
and there is simply no way to ask for any kind of enforced synchronicity
here without major bloatage.

Okay, okay. Let's spread delays and polling all over numerous init scripts.

I read it as "Let's bloat initscripts instead of the kernel". We probably have to bloat something, but we don't want to bloat our favourite kernel.

Maybe we should create a bash file with functions that implement it "the right way" and distribute this file with udev as an example?

You might be ten thousands time right. It is asynchronous process.

But please listen to me: you are not going to handle that in _every_ system application which deals with modules.

We should probably avoid code duplication and put this functionality into a library (maybe even glibc?)

What we currently see is that distros either ignore the race or (like LFS) say something like:

"Because of all those compilcations with Hotplug, Udev and modules, we strongly recommend you to start with a completely non-modular kernel configuration, especially if this is the first time you use Udev."

Alexander E. Patrakov

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