Another FB Problem (trindentfb)

From: Jim Gifford
Date: Sun Jul 11 2004 - 16:49:55 EST

I have a simliar issue with the trindentfb, Is anyone maintaining the
trindentfb, so I can work them to resolve this issue???

The trindentfb does respond to the setting of the refresh rate properly. I
have an omnibook XE2, with the cyberblade i/7 video. I need to setup the
trindentfb to 800x600 with a Horizonatal sync of 35.15 and a fresh rate
between 55-65.

These are the settings required for X trident driver also.

Problem has been in all 2.6.x kernels, Just seeing Ralf's message remindend
me. vesafb works.

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