Re: clone() <-> getpid() bug in 2.6?

Date: Sun Jun 06 2004 - 00:12:03 EST

Linus Torvalds wrote:

On Sat, 5 Jun 2004, Davide Libenzi wrote:

It is likely used by pthread_self(), that is pretty much
performance sensitive. I'd agree with Ulrich here.

It _can't_ be used for pthread_self(), since the pid is the _same_
across all threads in a pthread environment.


I re-iterate:

- getpid() was used in some historical threading packages (maybe even
LinuxThreads) to get the thread ID thing.

But this particular usage requires the old Linux behaviour of
returning separate threads ID's for separate threads. CLONE_THREAD
does not do that, and in particular the glibc caching _breaks_ any
such attempt even when you don't use CLONE_THREAD.

pthreads() in modern libc sets CLONE_THREAD and then uses the per-thread segment thing to identify threads. No getpid() anywhere.

Ergo: getpid() caching may result in faster execution, but in this
case it's actively _wrong_, and breaks the app. It's easy to make
things go fast if you don't actually care about whether the end
result is correct or not.

- getpid() is used in some silly benchmarks.

But in this case caching getpid() just lies to the benchmark, and is pointless.

Ergo: getpid() caching results in higher scores, but the scores are
now meaningless, since they have nothing to do with system call speed
any more.

So in both of these cases, the caching literally results in WRONG behaviour.

Can somebody actually find an application that doesn't fall into
either of the above two categories, and calls getpid() more than a
handful of times?

Well, not exactly sure about my reply, but let me try.

The other day I was debugging some config problems with my qmail instalation and I ended up doing:
# strace -p 4563 -f -F
[pid 13097] read(3, "\347\374\375TBH~\342\233\337\220\302l\220\317\237\37\25"..., 32) = 32
[pid 13097] close(3) = 0
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getuid32() = 89
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] time(NULL) = 1086497450
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] time(NULL) = 1086497450
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] getpid() = 13097
[pid 13097] write(0, "\26\3\1\0J\2\0\0F\3\1@\302\242\2527j\266m4{\323>6\232\243"..., 1127) = 1127
[pid 13097] read(0, "\26\3\1\1\6", 5) = 5
where 4563 is a tcpserver process and 13097 is its child. The process was started as:
tcpserver -s -n ssmtp.crt -p -v -R -x /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp.cdb -c 40 -u 89 -g 89 465 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /var/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /bin/true

No idea why are all those getpid() call there in the child... Looked at the code, but couldn't get it. Attaching tcpserver.c for reference.

Again, sorry if unrelated.


||///_ o *****************************
||//'_/> WWW:
|||\/<" |||\\ ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include "uint16.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "byte.h"
#include "fmt.h"
#include "scan.h"
#include "ip4.h"
#include "fd.h"
#include "exit.h"
#include "env.h"
#include "prot.h"
#include "open.h"
#include "wait.h"
#include "readwrite.h"
#include "stralloc.h"
#include "alloc.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "strerr.h"
#include "sgetopt.h"
#include "pathexec.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "ndelay.h"
#include "remoteinfo.h"
#include "rules.h"
#include "sig.h"
#include "dns.h"

int verbosity = 1;
int flagkillopts = 1;
int flagdelay = 1;
char *banner = "";
int flagremoteinfo = 1;
int flagremotehost = 1;
int flagparanoid = 0;
unsigned long timeout = 26;
#ifdef WITH_SSL
int flagssl = 0;
struct stralloc certfile = {0};
#define CERTFILE "./cert.pem"

void translate(SSL*, int, int, unsigned int);

static stralloc tcpremoteinfo;

uint16 localport;
char localportstr[FMT_ULONG];
char localip[4];
char localipstr[IP4_FMT];
static stralloc localhostsa;
char *localhost = 0;

uint16 remoteport;
char remoteportstr[FMT_ULONG];
char remoteip[4];
char remoteipstr[IP4_FMT];
static stralloc remotehostsa;
char *remotehost = 0;

char strnum[FMT_ULONG];
char strnum2[FMT_ULONG];

static stralloc tmp;
static stralloc fqdn;
static stralloc addresses;

char bspace[16];
buffer b;

/* ---------------------------- child */

#define DROP "tcpserver: warning: dropping connection, "

int flagdeny = 0;
int flagallownorules = 0;
char *fnrules = 0;

void drop_nomem(void)
strerr_die2sys(111,DROP,"out of memory");
void cats(char *s)
if (!stralloc_cats(&tmp,s)) drop_nomem();
void append(char *ch)
if (!stralloc_append(&tmp,ch)) drop_nomem();
void safecats(char *s)
char ch;
int i;

for (i = 0;i < 100;++i) {
ch = s[i];
if (!ch) return;
if (ch < 33) ch = '?';
if (ch > 126) ch = '?';
if (ch == '%') ch = '?'; /* logger stupidity */
if (ch == ':') ch = '?';
void env(char *s,char *t)
if (!pathexec_env(s,t)) drop_nomem();
void drop_rules(void)
strerr_die4sys(111,DROP,"unable to read ",fnrules,": ");

void found(char *data,unsigned int datalen)
unsigned int next0;
unsigned int split;

while ((next0 = byte_chr(data,datalen,0)) < datalen) {
switch(data[0]) {
case 'D':
flagdeny = 1;
case '+':
split = str_chr(data + 1,'=');
if (data[1 + split] == '=') {
data[1 + split] = 0;
env(data + 1,data + 1 + split + 1);
data += next0; datalen -= next0;

void doit(int t)
int j;

remoteipstr[ip4_fmt(remoteipstr,remoteip)] = 0;

if (verbosity >= 2) {
strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,getpid())] = 0;
strerr_warn4("tcpserver: pid ",strnum," from ",remoteipstr,0);

if (flagkillopts)
if (!flagdelay)

if (*banner) {
buffer_init(&b,write,t,bspace,sizeof bspace);
if (buffer_putsflush(&b,banner) == -1)
strerr_die2sys(111,DROP,"unable to print banner: ");

if (socket_local4(t,localip,&localport) == -1)
strerr_die2sys(111,DROP,"unable to get local address: ");

localipstr[ip4_fmt(localipstr,localip)] = 0;
remoteportstr[fmt_ulong(remoteportstr,remoteport)] = 0;

if (!localhost)
if (dns_name4(&localhostsa,localip) == 0)
if (localhostsa.len) {
if (!stralloc_0(&localhostsa)) drop_nomem();
localhost = localhostsa.s;

if (flagremotehost)
if (dns_name4(&remotehostsa,remoteip) == 0)
if (remotehostsa.len) {
if (flagparanoid)
if (dns_ip4(&tmp,&remotehostsa) == 0)
for (j = 0;j + 4 <= tmp.len;j += 4)
if (byte_equal(remoteip,4,tmp.s + j)) {
flagparanoid = 0;
if (!flagparanoid) {
if (!stralloc_0(&remotehostsa)) drop_nomem();
remotehost = remotehostsa.s;

if (flagremoteinfo) {
if (remoteinfo(&tcpremoteinfo,remoteip,remoteport,localip,localport,timeout) == -1)
flagremoteinfo = 0;
if (!stralloc_0(&tcpremoteinfo)) drop_nomem();
env("TCPREMOTEINFO",flagremoteinfo ? tcpremoteinfo.s : 0);

if (fnrules) {
int fdrules;
fdrules = open_read(fnrules);
if (fdrules == -1) {
if (errno != error_noent) drop_rules();
if (!flagallownorules) drop_rules();
else {
if (rules(found,fdrules,remoteipstr,remotehost,flagremoteinfo ? tcpremoteinfo.s : 0) == -1) drop_rules();

if (verbosity >= 2) {
strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,getpid())] = 0;
if (!stralloc_copys(&tmp,"tcpserver: ")) drop_nomem();
safecats(flagdeny ? "deny" : "ok");
cats(" "); safecats(strnum);
cats(" "); if (localhost) safecats(localhost);
cats(":"); safecats(localipstr);
cats(":"); safecats(localportstr);
cats(" "); if (remotehost) safecats(remotehost);
cats(":"); safecats(remoteipstr);
cats(":"); if (flagremoteinfo) safecats(tcpremoteinfo.s);
cats(":"); safecats(remoteportstr);

if (flagdeny) _exit(100);

/* ---------------------------- parent */

#define FATAL "tcpserver: fatal: "

void usage(void)
#ifndef WITH_SSL
tcpserver: usage: tcpserver \
[ -1UXpPhHrRoOdDqQv ] \
[ -c limit ] \
[ -x rules.cdb ] \
[ -B banner ] \
[ -g gid ] \
[ -u uid ] \
[ -b backlog ] \
[ -l localname ] \
[ -t timeout ] \
host port program",0);
tcpserver: usage: tcpserver \
[ -1UXpPhHrRoOdDqQsSv ] \
[ -c limit ] \
[ -x rules.cdb ] \
[ -B banner ] \
[ -g gid ] \
[ -u uid ] \
[ -b backlog ] \
[ -l localname ] \
[ -t timeout ] \
[ -n certfile ] \
host port program",0);

unsigned long limit = 40;
unsigned long numchildren = 0;

int flag1 = 0;
unsigned long backlog = 20;
unsigned long uid = 0;
unsigned long gid = 0;

void printstatus(void)
if (verbosity < 2) return;
strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,numchildren)] = 0;
strnum2[fmt_ulong(strnum2,limit)] = 0;
strerr_warn4("tcpserver: status: ",strnum,"/",strnum2,0);

void sigterm()

void sigchld()
int wstat;
int pid;

while ((pid = wait_nohang(&wstat)) > 0) {
if (verbosity >= 2) {
strnum[fmt_ulong(strnum,pid)] = 0;
strnum2[fmt_ulong(strnum2,wstat)] = 0;
strerr_warn4("tcpserver: end ",strnum," status ",strnum2,0);
if (numchildren) --numchildren; printstatus();

main(int argc,char **argv)
char *hostname;
char *portname;
int opt;
struct servent *se;
char *x;
unsigned long u;
int s;
int t;
#ifdef WITH_SSL
BIO *sbio;
SSL *ssl;
SSL_CTX *ctx;
int pi2c[2], pi4c[2];

ctx = NULL;

if (!stralloc_copys(&certfile, CERTFILE) || !stralloc_0(&certfile) )
strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,"out of memory");
while ((opt = getopt(argc,argv,"dDvqQhHrRsS1UXx:t:u:g:l:b:B:c:n:pPoO")) != opteof)
while ((opt = getopt(argc,argv,"dDvqQhHrR1UXx:t:u:g:l:b:B:c:pPoO")) != opteof)
switch(opt) {
case 'b': scan_ulong(optarg,&backlog); break;
case 'c': scan_ulong(optarg,&limit); break;
case 'X': flagallownorules = 1; break;
case 'x': fnrules = optarg; break;
case 'B': banner = optarg; break;
case 'd': flagdelay = 1; break;
case 'D': flagdelay = 0; break;
case 'v': verbosity = 2; break;
case 'q': verbosity = 0; break;
case 'Q': verbosity = 1; break;
case 'P': flagparanoid = 0; break;
case 'p': flagparanoid = 1; break;
case 'O': flagkillopts = 1; break;
case 'o': flagkillopts = 0; break;
case 'H': flagremotehost = 0; break;
case 'h': flagremotehost = 1; break;
case 'R': flagremoteinfo = 0; break;
case 'r': flagremoteinfo = 1; break;
case 't': scan_ulong(optarg,&timeout); break;
case 'U': x = env_get("UID"); if (x) scan_ulong(x,&uid);
x = env_get("GID"); if (x) scan_ulong(x,&gid); break;
case 'u': scan_ulong(optarg,&uid); break;
case 'g': scan_ulong(optarg,&gid); break;
case '1': flag1 = 1; break;
case 'l': localhost = optarg; break;
#ifdef WITH_SSL
case 's': flagssl = 1; break;
case 'S': flagssl = 0; break;
case 'n': if (!stralloc_copys(&certfile, optarg) ||
!stralloc_0(&certfile) )
strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,"out of memory");
default: usage();
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;

if (!verbosity)
buffer_2->fd = -1;

hostname = *argv++;
if (!hostname) usage();
if (str_equal(hostname,"")) hostname = "";
if (str_equal(hostname,"0")) hostname = "";

x = *argv++;
if (!x) usage();
if (!x[scan_ulong(x,&u)])
localport = u;
else {
se = getservbyname(x,"tcp");
if (!se)
strerr_die3x(111,FATAL,"unable to figure out port number for ",x);
localport = ntohs(se->s_port);

if (!*argv) usage();


if (!stralloc_copys(&tmp,hostname))
strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,"out of memory");
if (dns_ip4_qualify(&addresses,&fqdn,&tmp) == -1)
strerr_die4sys(111,FATAL,"temporarily unable to figure out IP address for ",hostname,": ");
if (addresses.len < 4)
strerr_die3x(111,FATAL,"no IP address for ",hostname);

#ifdef WITH_SSL
if (flagssl == 1) {
/* setup SSL context (load key and cert into ctx) */
if (!ctx) strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,"unable to create SSL context");

if(SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file(ctx, certfile.s, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != 1)
strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,"unable to load RSA private key");
if(SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, certfile.s, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != 1)
strerr_die2x(111,FATAL,"unable to load certificate");

s = socket_tcp();
if (s == -1)
strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to create socket: ");
if (socket_bind4_reuse(s,localip,localport) == -1)
strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to bind: ");
if (socket_local4(s,localip,&localport) == -1)
strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to get local address: ");
if (socket_listen(s,backlog) == -1)
strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to listen: ");

if (gid) if (prot_gid(gid) == -1)
strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to set gid: ");
if (uid) if (prot_uid(uid) == -1)
strerr_die2sys(111,FATAL,"unable to set uid: ");

localportstr[fmt_ulong(localportstr,localport)] = 0;
if (flag1) {
buffer_init(&b,write,1,bspace,sizeof bspace);


for (;;) {
while (numchildren >= limit) sig_pause();

t = socket_accept4(s,remoteip,&remoteport);

if (t == -1) continue;
++numchildren; printstatus();

switch(fork()) {
case 0:
if ((fd_move(0,t) == -1) || (fd_copy(1,0) == -1))
strerr_die2sys(111,DROP,"unable to set up descriptors: ");
#ifdef WITH_SSL
if (flagssl == 1) {
if (pipe(pi2c) != 0)
strerr_die2sys(111,DROP,"unable to create pipe: ");
if (pipe(pi4c) != 0)
strerr_die2sys(111,DROP,"unable to create pipe: ");
switch(fork()) {
case 0:
close(0); close(1);
if ((fd_move(0,pi2c[0]) == -1) || (fd_move(1,pi4c[1]) == -1))
strerr_die2sys(111,DROP,"unable to set up descriptors: ");
/* signals are allready set in the parent */
strerr_die4sys(111,DROP,"unable to run ",*argv,": ");
case -1:
strerr_die2sys(111,DROP,"unable to fork: ");
ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
if (!ssl)
strerr_die2x(111,DROP,"unable to set up SSL session");
sbio = BIO_new_socket(0,BIO_NOCLOSE);
if (!sbio)
strerr_die2x(111,DROP,"unable to set up BIO socket");
translate(ssl, pi2c[1], pi4c[0], 3600);
strerr_die4sys(111,DROP,"unable to run ",*argv,": ");
case -1:
strerr_warn2(DROP,"unable to fork: ",&strerr_sys);
--numchildren; printstatus();

#ifdef WITH_SSL
static int allwrite(int fd, char *buf, int len)
int w;

while (len) {
w = write(fd,buf,len);
if (w == -1) {
if (errno == error_intr) continue;
return -1; /* note that some data may have been written */
if (w == 0) ; /* luser's fault */
buf += w;
len -= w;
return 0;

static int allwritessl(SSL* ssl, char *buf, int len)
int w;

while (len) {
w = SSL_write(ssl,buf,len);
if (w == -1) {
if (errno == error_intr) continue;
return -1; /* note that some data may have been written */
if (w == 0) ; /* luser's fault */
buf += w;
len -= w;
return 0;

char tbuf[2048];

void translate(SSL* ssl, int clearout, int clearin, unsigned int iotimeout)
struct taia now;
struct taia deadline;
iopause_fd iop[2];
int flagexitasap;
int iopl;
int sslout, sslin;
int n, r;

sslin = SSL_get_fd(ssl);
sslout = SSL_get_fd(ssl);
if (sslin == -1 || sslout == -1)
strerr_die2x(111,DROP,"unable to set up SSL connection");

flagexitasap = 0;

if (SSL_accept(ssl)<=0)
strerr_die2x(111,DROP,"unable to accept SSL connection");

while (!flagexitasap) {

/* fill iopause struct */
iopl = 2;
iop[0].fd = sslin;
iop[0].events = IOPAUSE_READ;
iop[1].fd = clearin;
iop[1].events = IOPAUSE_READ;

/* do iopause read */
if (iop[0].revents) {
/* data on sslin */
n = SSL_read(ssl, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf));
if ( n < 0 )
strerr_die2sys(111,DROP,"unable to read form network: ");
if ( n == 0 )
flagexitasap = 1;
r = allwrite(clearout, tbuf, n);
if ( r < 0 )
strerr_die2sys(111,DROP,"unable to write to client: ");
if (iop[1].revents) {
/* data on clearin */
n = read(clearin, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf));
if ( n < 0 )
strerr_die2sys(111,DROP,"unable to read form client: ");
if ( n == 0 )
flagexitasap = 1;
r = allwritessl(ssl, tbuf, n);
if ( r < 0 )
strerr_die2sys(111,DROP,"unable to write to network: ");
if (!iop[0].revents && !iop[1].revents)
strerr_die2x(0, DROP,"timeout reached without input");