Re: why swap at all?

From: Valdis . Kletnieks
Date: Wed Jun 02 2004 - 13:01:09 EST

On Wed, 02 Jun 2004 01:17:06 +0200, Bernd Eckenfels <ecki-news2004-05@xxxxxxxxxxxx> said:

> Yes but: your wm is so often used/activated it will not get swaped out.
> But if your mouse passes over mozilla and tries to focus it, then you will
> feel the pain of a swapped-out x program.

Yes, I'm quite familiar with what a swapped-out mozilla does to my laptop ;)

The point I was making (apparently poorly) was that if mozilla is swapping in,
*that window* is hosed, but if the WM or the X server is swapping in,
*everything* is hosed.

And I *have* had times when I've left for an extended period while Mozilla
is downloading a Knoppix .iso or similar beastly large thing, and it managed
to keep Mozilla pages hot because it was busy doing a download, and the WM
pages got swapped out because the WM wasn't actually doing anything...

Yes, it's a rare state of affairs, but it *has* happened...

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