Re: [PATCH] 2.6.4-rc2-mm1: vm-split-active-lists

From: Nick Piggin
Date: Fri Mar 12 2004 - 18:28:26 EST

Andrew Morton wrote:

Nick Piggin <piggin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Just had a try of doing things like updatedb and dd if=/dev/zero of=./blah
It is pretty swappy I guess.

You'll need to bring the scanning priority back into the picture: don't
move mapped pages down onto the inactive list at low scanning priorities. And that eans retaining the remember-the-priority-from-last-time logic.

Otherwise it's inevitable that even a `cat monster_file > /dev/null' will
eventually swap out everything it can.

Hmm I dunno. At mapped_page_cost 8, I don't think it is swappy enough
that your desktop users will be running into problems. I need to write
4GB of file to push out 70MB of swap here (256MB RAM). And not much of
that swap has come back in, by the way...

By the way, I would be interested to know the rationale behind
mark_page_accessed as it is without this patch, also what is it doing in
rmap.c (I know hardly anything actually uses page_test_and_clear_young, but
still). It seems to me like it only serves to make VM behaviour harder to
understand, but I'm probably missing something. Andrew?

hm, that's left-over code which is pretty pointless now.

if (page_test_and_clear_young(page))

if (TestClearPageReferenced(page))

The pages in here are never on the LRU, so all the mark_page_accessed()
will do is to set PG_Referenced. And we immediately clear it again. So
the mark_page_accessed() can be replaced with referenced++.

Yep, see the patch I'd attached before.

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