Re: (0 == foo), rather than (foo == 0)

From: Bernd Petrovitsch
Date: Wed Mar 10 2004 - 05:37:17 EST

Reformatted long lines - please fix your mailer.

On Mit, 2004-03-10 at 07:16, Godbole, Amarendra (GE Consumer &
Industrial) wrote:
> While writing code, the assignment operator (=) is many-a-times confused
> with the comparison operator (==) resulting in very subtle bugs difficult
> to track. To keep a check on this -- the constant can be written on the
> LHS rather than the RHS which will result in a compile time error if wrong
> operator is used.

Or you use `gcc -Wall` which also reports this (and also in the cases
where both sides of the comparison can be left hand sides).

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