Re: 2.6.0-test4 parallel seek & read problem
From: Magnus Andersson
Date: Mon Sep 29 2003 - 09:57:23 EST
Hello again!
I have some more information for you all regarding this issue.
The problem with my server only able to handle 75 connections/sec was
solved by the 'as-initial-io-noantic' patch from Nick Piggin,
attached to this email if you want to try it out.
Looks like 2.6.0-test6 contains a modified version of this patch,
this modified version doesn't work well, the first patch was better.
With the original patch applied to -test4 or -test5, my server is
only able to handle half the amount of connections/sec as it should
be able to handle.
It doesn't matter which elevator I run. as-, deadline-, and noop-
all have the same problem.
The reason for this performance loss is that my read requests get
splitted by the kernel into those 4096 bytes chunks. Later, these
chunks are never merged by the kernel. In other words: 1 seek&read
issued by me, goes to the disk as 2 separate seek&read. Between these
2 seek&read are a lot of other seeks&reads issued by other threads.
I put this printk() after the call to elv_next_request(),
inside scsi_request_fn(), in scsi_lib.c, to see what is going on.
if(req) // 2 lines added by me
printk("SEC %d\n", req->sector);
The output from dmesg is attached to this email, in the file
printk.output. There you can see that the requests were splitted and
not merged. The splitted chunks are not even sent following each
other, there are a lot of other requests in between, resulting in a
lot of extra head movements.
I tried to disable readahead with 'blockdev --setra 0 /dev/sda',
but still the same problem, and I tried to raise readahead, but
no luck there too.
If the file I read from is opened with the flag O_DIRECT, everything
is good. All 3 elevators performs at a maximum rate.
Attached to this email is also a test program, called thread_seek,
for you all to try out.
The test program keeps nthreads (64 default) running at the same time.
The threads do 1 seek(), a READSIZE (4096 default) bytes read(), and
exits. The file it is operating on is "./bigfile"
Important is the choise of filesystem, choose one with extends. JFS
and XFS is two I know about.
I don't know if the raid system is part of the problem, but I don't
think so. Feel free to try on a different kind of disk setup.
Make sure the bigfile is much bigger than your memory to avoid cache hits.
Do a umount & mount between tests to clear the memory cache if you
feel that it is needed.
compiling: gcc -o thread_seek thread_seek.c -lpthread
running: ./thread_seek [nthreads]
Here are the commands I use to see what is going on.
'sar -c 1 0'
'sar -b 1 0'
'sar -c 1 0'
'iostat -x 1'
What you should see on 2.4 is that the output from the two sar should
be quite equal. With kernel 2.4 for example, I see 500
processes/second created, and 500 reads/second going to the disk.
With 2.6 I see 260 processes/second created, and 500 reads/second
going to the disk. The values you will see depends on your setup. But
the ratio between processes/second & reads/second should be 1. On 2.4
it is 1, and on 2.6 it is 0.52, wich is not good. Should be 1 here
Setting READSIZE to 1 byte gives no performance loss. The server on 2.6
is able to handle 500 proc/second & 500 reads/second.
I hope someone is able to reproduce this behavior. Feel free
to ask for more information if I forgot to say something
you need to know.
I also found strange stuff inside elevator_noop_add_request()
list_add_tail(&rq->queuelist, &q->queue_head);
should probably be changed to:
list_add_tail(&rq->queuelist, insert);
On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 07:32:41PM +0200, Magnus Andersson wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I have run into some strange behavior with kernel 2.6.0-test4.
> I'm doing a lot of parallel random seeks and reads in a 128 Gigabyte
> file. The file is located on a JFS partition on a 3ware Storage
> Controller containing four IDE disks with an average seek time of
> 8.5 ms. The 3ware controller is configured as RAID0 with stripe size 1MB.
> The operating system is Debian GNU/Linux, version testing.
> Running on this system is a program listening for connections. When a
> connection is accepted, a thread is created. This thread will get a
> free file descriptor from a pool of already opened file desriptors.
> The thread will do a random seek on the fd, and a small read, around 3 Kb.
> This data is then sent to the client and the connection is closed.
> My program is linked agains libpthread.a from the libc6-dev package,
> version 2.3.1-16, in Debian.
> If I'm running kernel 2.4.21 or 2.4.22, I can connect to the program
> 500 times per second. Using iostat-4.1.5 to monitor the system I see
> 500 reads/second issued to the disk. So far so fine.
> If I change to 2.6.0-test4 I can only connect to the program around 75
> times per second. During this time iostat reports around 120
> reads/second issued to the disk.
> If I change the elevator to 'deadline' or 'noop' I can connect to the
> program around 300 times/second. Iostat reports around 520
> reads/second issued to the disk.
> I also have a modified version of my program using nonblocking network
> code, and aio. This time I'm using the same fd for all aio
> requests. The file is opened with the flag O_DIRECT, bypassing the
> buffer cache. This time I'm able to reach close to 500 requests/second.
> 2.6.0-test1-ac3, and 2.6.0-test3-mm1 are behaving the same as 2.6.0-test4.
> Someone have any idea what is going on? Seems like something is not
> what it should be. My hope is to be able to reach the same amounts of
> connections/second as with the 2.4 kernels.
> I can't provide the source to the program, because it is owned by
> someone else, but I hope someone can point me in the right direction
> for further investigation of this problem.
> Below are the output of dmesg and the kernel config file for 2.6.0-test4.
> Best regards
> /Magnus
LocalWords: nthreads READSIZE
--- linux-2.6/drivers/block/as-iosched.c.orig 2003-08-27 19:15:24.000000000 +1000
+++ linux-2.6/drivers/block/as-iosched.c 2003-08-27 19:18:13.000000000 +1000
@@ -709,6 +709,14 @@ static int as_can_break_anticipation(str
return 1;
+ if (aic->seek_samples == 0 || aic->ttime_samples == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Process has just started IO so default to not anticipate.
+ * Maybe should be smarter.
+ */
+ return 1;
+ }
if (aic->ttime_mean > ad->antic_expire) {
/* the process thinks too much between requests */
return 1;
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SEC 20081303
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SEC 37795551
SEC 254427015
SEC 119379759
SEC 188785759
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SEC 59689927
SEC 108707647
SEC 53238151
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SEC 108707655
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SEC 190999695
SEC 82232655
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SEC 95239999
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SEC 252103959
SEC 233859655
SEC 108340727
SEC 157307759
SEC 141336751
SEC 109379591
SEC 165450679
SEC 248621503
SEC 173172303
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SEC 22143583
SEC 251391223
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SEC 193250671
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SEC 209745527
SEC 30787143
SEC 41722855
SEC 134560943
SEC 108068639
SEC 61784463
SEC 11128223
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SEC 108068647
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SEC 200923263
SEC 270504303
SEC 71219791
SEC 240170895
SEC 185298527
SEC 28391815
SEC 209693343
SEC 243127663
SEC 200923271
SEC 37392103
SEC 243848551
SEC 86238191
SEC 267178911
SEC 71219799
SEC 157982879
SEC 21306431
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SEC 222179039
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SEC 96866095
SEC 83571471
SEC 153955399
SEC 49938543
SEC 141336759
SEC 21306439
SEC 261117143
SEC 103313055
SEC 216100911
SEC 270652647
SEC 173172311
SEC 111395999
SEC 162253751
SEC 193250679
SEC 176409015
SEC 8835999
SEC 182721087
SEC 112948215
SEC 18028535
SEC 185298535
SEC 182721095
SEC 92534743
SEC 231653919
SEC 25147103
SEC 190999703
SEC 237512511
SEC 197659975
SEC 45690991
SEC 61420471
SEC 195375095
SEC 30787151
SEC 209693351
SEC 16479719
SEC 223742879
SEC 78461455
SEC 59330903
SEC 264401663
SEC 91499119
SEC 49938551
SEC 79049767
SEC 78461463
SEC 18776463
SEC 47245743
SEC 83571479
SEC 251391231
SEC 86238199
SEC 59756255
SEC 252103967
SEC 50773639
SEC 213929823
SEC 119379767
SEC 157982887
SEC 50773647
SEC 170143759
SEC 215533183
SEC 148918559
SEC 124077087
SEC 216210495
SEC 150493119
SEC 18776471
SEC 216210503
SEC 87799663
SEC 47245751
SEC 150942239
SEC 219983815
SEC 59756263
SEC 103870319
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#define ERR(args...) fprintf(stderr, args);
#define READSIZE 4096
#define FILENAME "./bigfile"
int nthreads = 64;
extern int errno;
int fds[1024];
pthread_mutex_t locks[1024];
uint64_t filesize;
sem_t sem;
void * thread(void *arg)
char buf[READSIZE];
off_t offset;
int index, fd, ret;
fd = 0;
do {
for(index = 0; index < nthreads; index++) {
if(pthread_mutex_trylock(&locks[index]) == 0) {
// Found a free file descriptor
fd = fds[index];
} while(fd == 0);
offset = (((uint64_t)random() << 32) | random()) % (filesize - READSIZE);
assert(offset < filesize - READSIZE);
if(lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
ERR("thread(): lseek(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
goto done;
if((ret = read(fd, buf, READSIZE)) != READSIZE) {
if(ret == -1) {
ERR("thread(): read(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
} else if(ret == 0) {
ERR("thread(): read(): EOF\n");
} else {
ERR("thread(): read(): Only read %d of %d bytes\n", ret, READSIZE);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_t child;
struct stat fstat;
int i;
if(argc == 2) {
nthreads = atoi(argv[1]);
assert(nthreads < 1024);
if(pthread_attr_init(&attr) != 0) {
ERR("main(): pthread_attr_init(): failed\n");
if(pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED) != 0) {
ERR("main(): pthread_attr_setdetachstate(): failed\n");
if(stat(FILENAME, &fstat) == -1) {
ERR("main(): stat(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
filesize = fstat.st_size;
for(i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
if((fds[i] = open(FILENAME, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE)) == -1) {
ERR("main(): open(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
if(pthread_mutex_init(&locks[i], NULL) != 0) {
ERR("main(): pthread_mutex_init(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
if(sem_init(&sem, 0, nthreads) == -1) {
ERR("main(): sem_init(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
while(1) {
if(sem_wait(&sem) == 0) {
if(pthread_create(&child, &attr, thread, NULL) != 0) {
ERR("main(): pthread_create(): failed\n");