Re: LInksys WMP11 (BCM4301 chip)
From: Erik Andersen
Date: Sat Sep 27 2003 - 22:16:11 EST
On Sat Sep 27, 2003 at 06:54:13PM -0400, David Ford wrote:
> According to, (Andrew Miklas),
> the BCM4301 is supported however I don't see any such critter in my source.
This is a _terribly_ misleading article. There are only a few
little bits of truth in the article you have referenced, and even
that has been spun to exagerate the truth.
Broadcom has never released the source for the referenced chips
to the general public. Those are closed source, binary-only,
mipsel drivers for kernel 2.4.5 that are embedded within the
device firmware.
Erik B. Andersen
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