From: Jan Evert van Grootheest
Date: Tue Sep 23 2003 - 07:03:00 EST

Me too.
And I won't be able to kill off this account.
I thought another virus had popped up! Many of them have their attachments removed by the virusscanner.

-- Jan Evert

Mike Galbraith wrote:

At 11:12 AM 9/23/2003 +0200, german aracil boned wrote:


I have an important attack in my system!
I received many mails from many nets! with virus attachment.
I don't have virus in my unix system. But people send mails with my mail
address. Please see mail's header. It's not from my system ip.

I close now my system to more of 700 nets!! and continuous receiving
mails now :(:(:(

You aren't alone, I'm getting the same crap in my lkml account. I'm using a pop previewer with filter to nuke it. I don't know what else you can do about it other than to nuke the account, or hope that the ignorant twit who's doing this manages to irritate one of the network gods.


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