BUG: 2.6.0-test3: dmesg buffer still too small

From: Arno Wagner
Date: Sat Aug 23 2003 - 13:25:39 EST


I have been patching my kernels for too small dmesg
buffer size (LOG_BUF_LEN in kernel/printk.c in 2.6.x)
for almost 2 years now. I have a single CPU Athlon
system and get 25kB bootup messages. On other similar
machines I get 22kB, 16kB and 15kb, the two latter
without RAID

Since 2.6.x still seems to have the insufficient 16kB
buffer size ad default, I now consider this to be
a bug that would be best fixed now while 2.6.x is still


a) Make it at least 32kB or better 64kB as
default for standard PC architectures, i.e.
set CONFIG_LOG_BUF_SHIFT to 16 in linux/kernel.h
for these architectures.

b) Add a configuration option to set the buffer size
in kernel configuration.

Doing both would probably be best.

I can continue patching my kernel manually (although it
is annoying and I have to katch printk.c to ignore
CONFIG_LOG_BUF_SHIFT), but others might not have the
expertise to do so. And showing all these nice messages
to the user with no way to retrieve them afterwards is
probaly not a good idea...


Arno Wagner, Communication Systems Group, ETH Zuerich, wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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