Re: Coding standards. (Was: Re: [PATCH] [2.5] Non-blocking write can block)

From: Jörn Engel (
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 11:39:59 EST

On Mon, 9 June 2003 12:24:35 -0400, Timothy Miller wrote:
> One thing I wanted to mention, however, is that your tongue-in-cheek
> style doesn't help you. Coding style is something that needs to be
> taken seriously when you're setting standards.

Coding style is secondary. It doesn't effect the compiled code. That

In the case of the kernel, there is quite a bit of horrible coding
style. But a working device driver for some hardware is always better
that no working device driver for some hardware, and if enforcing the
coding style more results is scaring away some driver writers, the
style clearly loses.


They laughed at Galileo.  They laughed at Copernicus.  They laughed at
Columbus. But remember, they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
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