Re: NTFS-like streams?

From: Kai Henningsen (
Date: Sun Aug 13 2000 - 06:35:00 EST (Horst von Brand) wrote on 13.08.00 in <>:

> System-wide default icons for executable (or whatever) files?

Typically, a desktop will have the default icons controlled by the
application. And most users don't even try to change that, and most of the
rest only change it for a very small number of files.

This is certainly true for both MacOS and Windows. Hell, most versions of
MacOS didn't even have a mechanism for users to override the default

> > There's plenty of other uses for them besides icons, anyway :>
> Such as? The _only_ use discussed all over tha place each time this comes
> up (nad it does come up each two years or so) is icons.

That's because most people discussing this are users, not programmers, of
the existing desktops that do this.

Just for some examples of what I've seen done under MacOS ...

* saving cursor position, tags, window sizes and similar stuff with text
* saving the equivalent of ./CVS/* with the extracted files

Icons are actually *not* usually stored with anything but applications,
and not usually changed either.

MfG Kai

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