Re: I really hate to do this...

From: Mike Galbraith (
Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 10:54:22 EST

On Mon, 26 Jun 2000, Nasa wrote:

> Ok,
> Call me stupid -- but I did as you suggested. I added kdb support into the

no ;-)

> kernel (test2) and recompiled.
> After getting everything installed, I reboot and try to startup XFree. This
> causes the system to lock and I get a blank screen. I know kdb is working
> as my Cap Lock is blinking on and off. However, I can't get to a VT to see
> what is being outputed. Do I have to have a second machine to make this
> work? How am I suppose to see what is going on? Thanks agian

The lock isn't a lock.. it's kdb being activated by the problem you're
having. Upon oops, it is activated on your console.. not your X ptty.
That's why I said add a serial console (need second machine for that..
see Documentation/serial-console.txt) or lp-console. I don't have serial
ports here, but do have an lp so I use that. All you have to do to use
a line-printer console is (enable it in kernel/install kernel;) pass
console=tty console=lp to your bootloader and you'll get everything. When
it 'locks', just enter 'bt' and watch your printer for output. You can
also (et al) do 'ps' to see a task list and 'btp' <pid> to check what any
individual task was up to at trap time.

When you're done logging, enter 'go' and the kernel will finish it's
panic or oops. If it's a panic, just reboot and pay one each fsck..
having it print the oops and lock (safety measure!) isn't likely to add
much info.


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