RE: Ke: Process Capabilities on 2.2.16, Sendmail problem revisited

Date: Thu Jan 02 1997 - 20:19:07 EST

> Ok guys, this isn't going to work. The 2.2.16 patch pretty much took the
> inheritable set and threw it out the window. At least before, you could
> mask an entire capset and not have to worry about suid programs getting
> elevated caps (if the program was capabilities 'smart'). Now we're back to
> the uid 0 is root no matter what situation. Instead of fixing exec(), you
> broke capabilites. Grr! I've been trying to track this down, here's what I
> see.
>Yes, that was deliberate. The problem is that allowing an attacker to
>arbitrarily deny privileges to setuid root programs is dangerous.
>CAP_SETUID isn't the only case where this could cause problems.
>Consider what might happen if some program was denied CAP_CHOWN (and
>didn't check for return values so it didn't notice that it failed), for
>example. You could argue that the program was broken, but it was a

What about: in order for setuid to work, your CAP_INHERITABLE has to be full? If you try to exec setuid program and your inherutable set is not full, you should get -EPERM (just like in case when programbeing ptraced tries to exec setuid program).


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