2.4.0-test1 cdrom, sound problems

From: mull (mullein@aa.net)
Date: Wed Jun 07 2000 - 14:31:59 EST

two things i noticed with 2.4.0-test1:
i have adaptec 2940 (pci card...there are problems with 2.4.0-test* and the isa version of aic7880 driver, aren't there? not the pci?) and yamaha 6416S cd burner. i mounted the cdrom, and later i accidentally mounted it again. mount showed it mounted twice. when i 'umount -a -t iso9660', it unmounted the cdrom, but did not let the drive eject.

the other concern i had was that when recording from line input on my es1373 at 16 bit, stereo, 44.1 khz, it seemed to only deliver about half the samples expected, as it created audio files that were extremely garbled.


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