Re: eepro100 probs

From: Christopher W. Curtis (
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 16:24:23 EST

Sorry for the way this is being sent, but I read about this thread from
the kernel-traffic list.

I've had this problem for a _long_ time, though I'm not really sure
when. It may have started when upgrading from 2.0.x to 2.2.x, or it may
have even been present in 2.0. I'm not using a 3Com card, however. I'm
using a DEC 4/5xx built into the Alpha Multia. After some amount of
time, the card will not accept traffic without first sending traffic.
The amount of time has been variable, but sometimes very short. I've
resorted to performing a traceroute every 15 minutes from cron.

I'm not positive what the uplink switch is, but I believe it is a cisco
router of some sort from the DNS entry (it's at our ISP).

If any other information is needed, please let me know.


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