Oops: 0002 x 4

From: John Summerfield (summer@OS2.ami.com.au)
Date: Thu May 18 2000 - 04:39:26 EST

[root@emu /root]# uname -a
Linux emu 2.2.13 #9 Tue Dec 28 20:34:35 WST 1999 i586 unknown
[root@emu /root]#

I am not at all optimistic that I can obtain any more useful info about
this, but at least you'll know there's a problem;-)

The problem is they happened a couple of days ago & I didn't notice until
I ran the dmesg command to see of there was anything I should know about.

The quick summary:

[root@emu /root]# grep -h kernel /var/log/messages* | egrep 'Oops|Process'
May 16 17:55:50 emu kernel: Oops: 0002
May 16 17:55:50 emu kernel: Process X (pid: 685, process nr: 32,
May 16 18:20:00 emu kernel: Oops: 0002
May 16 18:20:00 emu kernel: Process ypserv (pid: 900, process nr: 261,
May 16 20:49:44 emu kernel: Oops: 0002
May 16 20:49:44 emu kernel: Process X (pid: 1832, process nr: 112,
May 16 21:25:07 emu kernel: Oops: 0002
May 16 21:25:07 emu kernel: Process ypserv (pid: 2144, process nr: 32,
[root@emu /root]#

No reason the machine should have been especially busy at the time.

It's been up a while:
[root@emu /root]# uptime
  5:19pm up 20 days, 8:11, 6 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00
[root@emu /root]#

John Summerfield
http://os2.ami.com.au/os2/ for OS/2 support.
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