[SCARED] Is ext2 unreliable?

From: Sasi Peter (sape@iq.rulez.org)
Date: Tue May 16 2000 - 07:29:45 EST


The following has just happened to me, and caused to lose the trust I had
for linux's reliability.

Here in the dormitory of Electrical Engineering of the Technical
University we have a LAN of ~500 PC-s, and in my box I have a 58GB
partition on which we share MPEG movies and mp3s. I keep deleting the old
files, but somehow fee space just did not come back, and now finally I did
a df and a du -s and recognized, that there was a 15GB difference! Then I
have shut down all the services, actually all the processes not part of
the kernel + init + sh, and tied to umount it. No success, it said it was
busy. fuser -vm showed no users. Restart in single mode, e2fsck: clean.
e2fsck -f, and here it came:
- lots of deleted inodes wrong
- at bitmap differences it listed every single block
- lots of wrong free count for groups (it was zeroed out)
- lots of wrong directory couts for groups (random but wrong numbers)
And this came after 15 days of uptime. It just did not free up space, that
is what I happened to notice ant then this.

How can this happen???

I have 2.2.14pre14 with usb raid and ide patches, the partition was on a
raid0 over 4 disks two occupying the two PIIX4 channes on the
motherboard (UDMA2), two on the CMD648 (UDMA4).

Would please somebody explain, how this could have happened?

PS: after e2fsck now I have the 15GB back...

-- SaPE

Peter, Sasi <sape@sch.hu>

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