Re: Really Simple File System versus raw disk I/O

From: Miquel van Smoorenburg (
Date: Sat Apr 01 2000 - 06:21:31 EST

In article <>,
Paul Barton-Davis <pbd@Op.Net> wrote:
>Daniel Phillips suggested to me privately a month or two back that
>there might some general utility in a "raw" filesystem that created a
>single file in a partition, allowed no index, inodes, directories,
>extension, truncation etc. This would be useful for applications that
>need to control disk seeking (such as high end audio applications).

I wrote such a thing a few years ago for our news servers. I needed
direct access to a partition while still going through VFS so that
mmap() could be used.


There's also a v2.3 version but I haven't tested that extensively yet,
and I still have some patches pending for it that I need to apply.

It might not be exactly what you need but it's a start.


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