Re: Memory map/ioremap question

From: Linux Lists (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 17:18:57 EST

On Wed, 8 Mar 2000, shannon loi wrote:
> I did this:
> #if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x02030d)
> dev->base_addr = pdev->base_address[0];

You should add here:

    dev->base_addr &= PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_MEM_MASK;

, only on this part of the "#if" clause.

> #else
> dev->base_addr = pdev->resource[0].start;
> #endif

BTW, how did you obtain the pointer to the pci_dev structure (pdev)??

> myADpriv->Hwregs = (struct myHwregs
> *)ioremap(dev->base_addr, 0x4000);

Please insert the line below after this mapping and let us know its

printk("PCI=0x%lx, VIRT=0x%lx\n",
        dev->base_addr, (unsigned long)myADpriv->Hwregs);

> readl(&Hwregs->someReg);
> when I try to read the hardware registers, I either
> get 0 back or the machine stops working (but not hang,
> I can telnet). Did I miss something/do something
> wrong? what should I try differently?

What's the kernel version you're currently using to debug this problem?


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