Memory map/ioremap question

From: shannon loi (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 17:03:11 EST

I'm learning to write driver for ethernet card. The
card only support memory address and has this PCI

00 DeviceID VendorID
04 PciStatus PciCommand
08 ClassCode RevisionId
0c HeaderType LatencyTimer CacheLineSize
10 MemBaseAddr0
14 MemBaseAddr1 (for 64bit addressing)
18 IOBaseAddr0 (default disabled)

This is MemBaseAddr0 register:
                          3 2 1 0
Base Address | 00 | 0 |
bit[0] = 0 means memory base addr
[2:1] support all 3 of memory map options
00 anywhere in 32 bit addr space
01 below 2 Meg
10 anywhere in 64 bit addr space
11 Reserved

I did this:
#if (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x02030d)
  dev->base_addr = pdev->base_address[0];
  dev->base_addr = pdev->resource[0].start;

myADpriv->Hwregs = (struct myHwregs
*)ioremap(dev->base_addr, 0x4000);


when I try to read the hardware registers, I either
get 0 back or the machine stops working (but not hang,
I can telnet). Did I miss something/do something
wrong? what should I try differently?


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