
Date: Sat Feb 19 2000 - 10:07:24 EST

I've heard some mention this already, but nothing of a fix.

In include/linux/sched.h, the recent patches have gone from a bunch of
nearly unreadable stuff, which compiles fine on GCC 2.95.2/egcs 1.1.? .

When it is patched to look pretty (someone even mentioned putting it in
the CodingStyle), it doesn't compile (with GCC 2.95...). After
un-patching sched.h, it works fine.


good: (notice that it's being taken out by the patch)

-#define INIT_TASK(name) \
-/* state etc */ { 0,0,0,KERNEL_DS,&default_exec_domain,0, \
-/* avg_slice */ 0, -1, \
-/* mm */ NULL, &init_mm, \
-/* has_cpu */ 0,0, \
-/* run_list */ LIST_HEAD_INIT(init_task.run_list), \
-/* next_task */ &init_task,&init_task, \
-/* last_proc */ 0, \
-/* binfmt */ NULL, \
-/* ec,brk... */ 0,0,0,0,0,0, \
-/* pid etc.. */ 0,0,0,0,0, \
-/* proc links*/ &init_task,&init_task,NULL,NULL,NULL, \
-/* pidhash */ NULL, NULL, \
-/* chld wait */ __WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD_INITIALIZER(name.wait_chldexit), NULL, \
-/* timeout */ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, \
-/* timer */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, it_real_fn }, \
-/* utime */ {0,0,0,0},0, \
-/* per CPU times */ {0, }, {0, }, \
-/* flt */ 0,0,0,0,0,0, \
-/* swp */ 0, \
-/* process credentials */ \
-/* uid etc */ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, \
-/* suppl grps*/ 0, {0,}, \
-/* user */ NULL, \
-/* rlimits */ INIT_RLIMITS, \
-/* math */ 0, \
-/* comm */ "swapper", \
-/* fs info */ 0,NULL, \
-/* ipc */ NULL, NULL, \
-/* thread */ INIT_THREAD, \
-/* fs */ &init_fs, \
-/* files */ &init_files, \
-/* signals */ SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED, &init_signals, {{0}}, {{0}}, NULL, &init_task.sigqueue, 0, 0, \
-/* exec cts */ 0,0, \
-/* exit_sem */ __MUTEX_INITIALIZER(name.exit_sem), \

+#define INIT_TASK(tsk) \
+{ \
+ state: 0, \
+ flags: 0, \
+ sigpending: 0, \
+ addr_limit: KERNEL_DS, \
+ exec_domain: &default_exec_domain, \
+ lock_depth: -1, \
+ counter: DEF_PRIORITY, \
+ priority: DEF_PRIORITY, \
+ policy: SCHED_OTHER, \
+ mm: NULL, \
+ active_mm: &init_mm, \
+ run_list: LIST_HEAD_INIT(tsk.run_list), \
+ next_task: &tsk, \
+ prev_task: &tsk, \
+ p_opptr: &tsk, \
+ p_pptr: &tsk, \
+ wait_chldexit: __WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD_INITIALIZER(tsk.wait_chldexit),\
+ real_timer: { \
+ function: it_real_fn \
+ }, \
+ cap_effective: CAP_INIT_EFF_SET, \
+ cap_inheritable: CAP_INIT_INH_SET, \
+ cap_permitted: CAP_FULL_SET, \
+ rlim: INIT_RLIMITS, \
+ comm: "swapper", \
+ thread: INIT_THREAD, \
+ fs: &init_fs, \
+ files: &init_files, \
+ sigmask_lock: SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED, \
+ sig: &init_signals, \
+ signal: {{0}}, \
+ blocked: {{0}}, \
+ sigqueue: NULL, \
+ sigqueue_tail: &tsk.sigqueue, \
+ exit_sem: __MUTEX_INITIALIZER(tsk.exit_sem) \

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