IBM & Linux

From: Brian Parris (
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 02:01:49 EST

Quoted from the ibm website:

   workloads as well. We look forward to working with the members of
   Linux community to design, develop, and measure prototypes of Linux
   code to support the changes described above. Whether or not these
   changes make their way into the base kernel is another matter, and
   only by experimenting with these changes and studying their behavior
   under more general workloads will the Linux community be able to
   determine whether such changes should be incorporated into the base
   kernel or not.

I think it's great that a company as big as IBM wants to work with the
linux-kernel developers in making linux better, i hope other companies see
this example and jump in too, i'm already amazed at the amount of work
that gets done on this list and i hope you guys keep up the good
work(maybe in the future when i learn more i can join you in hacking the

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