Re: Xircom PCMCIA

From: Larry Sendlosky (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 08:51:06 EST


I don't know what kernel you all are using or PCMCIA code revision
level. But, on my laptop with RH6.1 (2.2.12-20) and lastest PCMCIA
code, I too had problems with the modem on my CBEM56G-100 - I just
couldn't "talk" to the modem. On some other "message board" I found
the workaround:

% setserial /dev/modem irq 0 # switch to polling
% setserial /dev/modem irq 3 # back to interrupts

After doing this the modem works just fine! Hopefully this will
help you (or somebody else).


> Not quite: getting the serial part to work might be tricky. I am trying
> to get it going with my Xircom RBEM56-100. As soon as that works i'll try
> the ISDN kit next (i happen to have one). As for the command set: i seem
> to have seen in the docs coming with the kit...
> Yours,
> Dominik

 Larry Sendlosky ATS (978) 506-6640 Compaq

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