From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Thu Jul 02 2009 - 21:58:34 EST

On Friday 2009-07-03 03:26, tridge@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > Making WINNT the default would cause many a `ls` output to just
> > scream at me in uppercaps because there are programs that
> > create long names with all-uppers.
>well, you could also argue that having WINNT in effect does the
>'correct' thing. It causes ls to display the name that is actually in
>the filesystem.
>I think the current default for VFAT on Linux is rather misleading. It
>always displays 8.3 names as lowercase,

There is no misleading in that, since VFAT is rather case-insensitive.
Certainly, lowering all 8.3 names is more appalling to the eyes than
keeping all-caps-longnames that way. I think I would even add a new
heuristic for case transformation on display to fit my personal
guidelines which would be:

($file, $ext) = ($filename =~ /^(.*)\.(.*)$/);
$ext = lc $ext;
if ($file =~ /^[A-Z]+$/) {
$file = lc $ext;

I think none of the shortcase= options does that at this time.

>I should also point out that if we followed Alan's reasoning then we'd
>have to actually make all these options separate filesystems[...]

Linux has been doing case conversion all years long so I do not think
Alan's request to make new filesystems was based solely upon
shortname=; otherwise, I suspect, it would have raised it earlier.

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