Re: crypted swapspace?

Olaf Titz (
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 23:45:20 +0100

> something like; generate x bytes (where x = pagesize) of random data
> (from entropy-pool) and do a xor for every page you're about to write

Sorry, that's not what today counts as cryptography. ;-)
You give the reason:

> down. But then; if some application swapps out 20 pages of a regular
> pattern; all 0x00's or whatsoever (all 0x34, all 0x8d, doesn't matter).
> You will be able to re-calculate back the original key. Still, this
> one-time key is really a fine idea!

...and it's really a fine idea (depending on application and needs, at
least) if used with a reasonably fast _real_ encryption algorithm.


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