Hyper-Sparc CPU's in Sparc20 chas.(was Re: SS-10 -> Ultra Question.)

Mr. James W. Laferriere (babydr@baby-dragons.com)
Sun, 5 Dec 1999 13:24:52 -0800 (PST)

Hello Robert, I tried an grunt experiment . I put Two Ross
HyperSparc Dual 66Mhz cpu's in my sparc20 chassis & attempted
to install RH-6.1 on the system . After several lock ups ,
and just plain funky behaviour (ie: key presses mis-interpreted) .
I opened the case and removed the cpu's emmediately after power
off , they were almost to hot to handle as a rough guess approx.
125 Deg. F. Now in my book this is way to hot for a cpu to be
and would definately cause the flaky behaviour I (& maybe you)
were seeing . I will later attempt to add some additional fans
to the case & see if the added airflow helps .

When I popped these out I dropped back in an old set of Ross
40Mhz Dual cpu's & started the process over , So far nothing
ill has happened . Hth, JimL

| James W. Laferriere | System Techniques | Give me VMS |
| Network Engineer | 25416 22nd So | Give me Linux |
| babydr@baby-dragons.com | DesMoines WA 98198 | only on AXP |

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