Re: 2.3.27 unable to boot, 2.2.13 okay, and disk problem
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 22:07:07 -0500

Quoting David Weinehall <>:

> > As for the problem with 2.3.27 not booting, all of
my MCA machines fail to
> > boot at the same spot with 2.3.27-28 as well, 2.3.26
still boots but reports
> > the following:
> >
> > Memory: 14476k/16384k available (0k kernel code, 0k
reserved, 0k data, 0k
> > init)
> Oh, ignore those...


> Does any of your MCA machines have SCSI? I can't get
> SCSI-driver to work properly using kernels v2.3.23 and
newer; they just
> panic. It might only be the integrated SCSI-adapters
that are affected,
> I'd be very glad to get some more information on this.

Yes, both machines that I use are SCSI, one is a P70
with a IBM MCA SCSI Adapter with 256K Cache, and the
other is a Model 77 486/66 with Intergrated SCSI. The
P70 has a single 1Gig Conner driver, and the 77 has a
500 Meg IBM drive, an IBM 2x CDROM, and a 1Gig Conner

2.3.18 boots on both systems. I have booted 2.3.23, 25,
and 26 on the Model 77 (haven't tried them on the P70)
and they all boot to a login but have terribly slow
performance with the VM eventually killing off
everything. Maybe we have a very bad memory leak.

With 2.3.27,28 the machine won't even boot the kernel.
It says, Uncompressing Linux...OK, now booting the
kernel, and that's it.

Since I know 2.3.26 works and 2.3.27 doesn't I'll see if
I can determine exactly what change kille

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