Re: Getting IOCTL's into VFS File System Drivers

david parsons (
13 Nov 1999 19:52:11 -0800

In article <linux.kernel.Pine.LNX.4.10.9911111758560.2217-100000@asdf.capslock.lan>,
Mike A. Harris <> wrote:

>Actually, from what I was just reading about Windows 2000,
>Microsoft is adding a new innovative feature that they single
>handedly came up with that allows you to "splice" a filesystem
>onto a directory point.

JOIN. It's at least 11 years old, and it's existed since MS-DOS
4.something. It's almost exactly mount, though MS-DOS didn't have
a procfs to nicely export the mount table.

david parsons \bi/ Of course MS could have dropped it, then re-added it
\/ recently as a New! Thing!

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