2.3.26 and ibmtr broken

Richard van Denzel (richardd@interaccess.nl)
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 13:04:48 +0100

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Hi All,

I'm running kernel 2.3.26 on an old 486 (IBM PS/2 model 95 MCA-system).
For my network I'm stuck on Token-Ring (IBM 16/4 Adapter/A).
After I installed the kernel and rebooted the system I'm getting the
following error
when the network is started:

io mapaddr oxdbe48 not valid at ibmtr.x:1251!

There are a lot more of those lines displayed (but it's to much to put
them all here). Has anyone seen this problem?
Is there a fix, or am I the first to stumble onto this?


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n:van Denzel;Richard
tel;cell:+31 6 558 76 927
tel;fax:+31 35 6888 699
tel;work:+31 35 6888 310
org:Inter Access B.V.
title:ICT Support Coordinator
adr;quoted-printable:;;P.O. Box 840=0D=0A;Hilversum;;1200 AV;Netherlands
fn:Richard van Denzel


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