Re: vfork
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 19:46:49 +0100 (MET)

Alan Curry:

> why not drop the vfork(2) man page

You don't mean this seriously.
vfork is a system call today.
It has te be documented.

> People who want to write high-performance Linux-only stuff
> should have _some_ documentation to turn to.

Ah, and there was nothing, and I wrote a page.
(In fact, as it turns out, another page was sitting in my inbox,
but that is irrelevant in the present discussion.)
Now do you find anything wrong in my page?
Your corrections are very welcome.


[P.S. My previous announcement had the good effect that several people
submitted some last minute corrections to man-pages-1.26. So it was
not yesterday night. Probably you'll have man-pages-1.27 tonight.]

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