Re: vfork (
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 12:24:18 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Ed Hall wrote:

> As someone who has seen the hubris of numerous Unix vendors in assuming
> that portability isn't their problem--especially when it comes to
> documentation--it pains me when Linux folks take a similar tack. Looked
> at from the perspective of someone coming to Linux from elsewhere in
> the Unix world, your attitude looks downright hostile. Such attitudes
> belong on Slashdot, not here.

Don't take such opinions as representative of anyone other than the
individual that posted it (the same applies to my comment, although I do
think that people are generally not hostile to portability issues, rather
merely uninformed). Personally, I try to avoid writing non-portable code,
but the fact of the matter is that it's impossible to ensure that a piece
of code will work properly on an architecture that it hasn't been tested
on. That said, the fixes are usually pretty simple.


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