Re: 2.2.13 rtc problem

Guest section DW (
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 23:34:12 +0100

On Tue, Nov 09, 1999 at 09:46:09AM -0600, Tim Walberg wrote:
> I have also answered one of my own questions and found that it (fairly
> obviously, I guess) doesn't occur if I leave /dev/rtc out of the kernel,
> so I can a) get the problem fixed (or do it myself, if I have time) and
> run with rtc and xntpd both enabled (preferred), or b) keep rtc disabled
> and use cron to run 'hwclock --systohc' or the equivalent periodically
> (works, but it's sort of hackish in my opinion)...

Some people have reported that the hwclock implementation of rtc stuff
works, while the kernel version fails (e.g., causes hangs). Now
hwclock will try to use /dev/rtc if that is available, but you can
give the --directisa option to make it access the hardware directly.


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