> 2.3.21 kernel freezes, and init.c buglet

Ragnar Hojland Espinosa (ragnar@lightside.dhis.org)
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 11:12:23 +0100

After 2.3.21 (couldn't manage to boot 2.3.22) and at least up to 2.3.26, kernel
freezes after some light activity. Compiled with gcc, UP, IDE, no
network traffic was going on (besides sometimes local X).

As well, this doesn't look correct and is probabily the result of the init.c
changes in patch-2.3.23

lightside:~% dmesg|grep -i memory
Memory: 94756k/98304k available (0k kernel code, 0k reserved, 0k data, 0k
init, 0k highmem)

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