quotas broken in 2.2.13

Alan Curry (pacman-kernel@cqc.com)
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 02:25:32 -0500 (EST)

I've been sitting on 2.2.3 since it was new, waiting for a stable kernel to
come out that wasn't immediately followed by a flood of bug reports. 2.2.13
seemed to be released pretty quietly so I thought that was it.

Well, no it wasn't. One of the things we're dying for is quotas that work. In
2.2.3 they were just incorrect sometimes. In 2.2.13 they don't exist at all.
Q_GETQUOTA returns -ESRCH every time it gets called. Every time, for every
user. Which means quota -v always says "quotas for user: none". But
Q_GETSTATS (repquota -a) reports them correctly.

On a test machine, as identical to the real one as I could make it, getquota
seems to work fine.

So what can cause all those ESRCHs?

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