file descritor 255 is always associated with /dev/tty[?] ?

SK (
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 19:18:51 +0530 (IST)

I am running linux kernel 2.2.9.
I have noticed that the file descriptor 255 (apart from fd 0, 1 and 2)
of a process is always associated with the controlling terminal device of
the process i.e /dev/tty[?] (current->files->fd[255] is not NULL). This is
the case with the shell (bash) process and since other processes are
forked by shell, this fd is inherited. I looked at the kernel sources and
bash source to see who sets this fd 255 but could not find. Can someone
please mail me (or give links to references) why this is set, who sets it,
and when?


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