Re: ISDN and 2.2.13 no way ;(

Itai Nahshon (
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 01:28:46 +0200

I'm sending this from Linux 2.2.13 and I did not recompile the utils.
The date on /sbin/ipppd is July 8 which means it's compiled for
2.2.10-ac9 (give or take an "ac" number).

I did need to make a minor change to ipppd/sys-linux.c. The function
decode_version() did not return a valid kernel version when the
EXTRAVERSION is non-empty and does not
match "-pre*". It did not accept 2.2.13ac1 or 2.2.14pre1.

The latest version will accept "pre*" (but they still have a thing
against Alan or Andrea).

I would recommend to anyone who uses experimental kernels, edit
isdn4k-utils/ipppd/sys-linux.c. Find the function decode_version
and wrap the last if statement (commented /* ignore any "-preX" part */)
with a #if 0 .. #endif.

(suggestion to the ISDN team: Either drop that EXTRAVERSION test completely
or make it output a warning if it does not like the kernel version).


Itai Nahshon

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