[OT] Two basic programming questions

Linux Lists (lists@cyclades.com)
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 16:29:15 -0700 (PDT)


I tried to send this msg to linux-c-programming@vger.rutgers.edu, but it
returned saying that this list does not exist (although it is listed by
the majordomo 'lists' command ...). If you could please answer this in pvt
to me (or point me to an appropriate list to ask this question), I'd
really appreciate it.

I have two very basic questions:

1. Is there a libc function that does the same as 'clear' in a shell
script, i.e., clears the screen??
2. How do I share data structures within different applications (not
instances or threads of the same app)? Is this a mechanism available
in the libc itself or is it from some other library?

Thanks in advance for your help and sorry for the OT msg.


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