possible infinite loop in udp_v4_get_port()

Larry J. Blunk (ljb@publicport.com)
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 15:14:13 -0400

It looks like a regular user could cause an infinite loop in
the following section of udp_v4_get_port() through the
judicious grabbing of UDP ports. Basically, the first 128 ports > 1023
(to put an entry in each hash table slot), and then every 128th port
up to the max port number (starting with the current value
of udp_port_rover which can be easily derived). I think there
should be some sort of additional bounding counter on this loop.

for(;; result += UDP_HTABLE_SIZE) {
if (result > sysctl_local_port_range[1])
result = sysctl_local_port_range[0]
+ ((result -
sysctl_local_port_range[0]) &
if (!udp_lport_inuse(result))

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