[OT] Re: Colour blindness & the Linux Kernel Version History

David Ford (david@kalifornia.com)
Sat, 16 Oct 1999 18:12:57 -0700

Audin Malmin wrote:

> > Sometimes simplest is best; see http://www.memepool.com for an example. It
> > may not be the most ideal for you, but it's likely to be readable by the
> > widest range of people.
> Arrgh... Why does everyone insist on bright backgrounds? A
> CRT is not a piece of paper, it's an illuminated display, bright
> backgrounds just mean that everyone has to squint to read it... The
> text is what is important, it should call attention to itself...the
> background should be just that, in the BACKGROUND, minding it's own
> business.

because it's proven that reading black text on a white background is easier on the
human eye than white text on a black background. ask your local opthamalogist or


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