Re: diff -X exclude_file for patching live kernels?

(no name) ((no email))
15 Oct 1999 10:07:18 -0400

>>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Viro <> writes:
>> Does some kind soul have an exclude file for being able to run
>> diff -urN -X exclude_file linux linux-patched > my.patch 2>&1

I usually just do `cvs diff' :-)

>> i.e. I can put patterns like "*.o" ".config" etc etc but it will take time
>> to find them all out.

You can probably find them by looking at the `distclean' targets
in the Makefiles.

> do cp -rl before everything else and build on a mirror tree. Vi knows
> how to deal with links, so it doesn't create a separate copy when you edit
> file. Even if you are using the abortion from MIT the first variant will go.

I can't resist pointing out that although the default behavior of God's
editor doesn't handle symlinks (and hardlinks of course) in that way,
it's very easy to fix it (like I did years ago) in your .emacs:

(setq-default backup-by-copying t)

or better yet:

(setq make-backup-files nil)

-- Stefan

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