Re: 2.3.20 will not boot (PCI problem) Good BIOS?

Sid Boyce (
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 21:01:54 +0100

I had the same problem with 2.3.21 (never tried .20), after reading
that it was a BIOS problem, I went on to the manufacturer's site
(Giga-Byte GA-6BXE MB), read the updates page which didn't mention the
problem amongst the things fixed, however the latest BIOS (Sept. 99)
fixed it.
It seems some manufacturers will fix things on the quiet, even though
they don't own up to it.
.... Sid Boyce...Amdahl(Europe)...44-121 422 0375 
Any opinions expressed above are mine and do not necessarily represent
 the opinions or policies of Amdahl Corporation.

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