Re: PATCH: duplicate IP detection

Marc Merlin (
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 15:54:30 -0700

On ven, oct 15, 1999 at 12:29:18 +0200, Rogier Wolff wrote:
> But if, as you say, we can get to see our own ARP packets back, we'll
> respond, and notice a conflict too. (*) I'd say that getting your own
> packets back unexpectedly is always a VERY BAD situation.

While I had looked at RFC 2131, I wanted to check it again before answering
Alexey, but I was wondering about getting my own broadcast ARP packet back.

> If you're right the patch may need to be extended and check if the
> hardware address is one of our own. On the other hand, if we get a

I wanted to look at the code some more first, but regardless of switches,
when I broadcast a packet, I also receive the packet at the same time and
yet my code doesnt't get triggered, so I'm not quite sure if it will if I
receive a duplicate of my packet later.
I hope to have the time to look at it tonight.

Either way, it's indeed easy to add an additional check to discard packets
that come from my MAC address.

> message every minute or so when the network is spewing our own packets
> back at us isn't all THAT bad.

No, but that'd be confusing and it can easily be avoided. So, if it's
needed, I'll add the check (I'd rather not add it unless it's definitely


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