2.0 kernel on PIII ?

B. James Phillippe (bryan@terran.org)
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 14:50:03 -0700 (PDT)


Setting aside the likely "2.0 is obsolete" / "the performance won't be as
good" answers for a moment, is there any functional reason not to run a
2.0.3X kernel on a PIII? We're testing some proprietary code which runs
under Linux 2.0 and has not yet been ported to 2.2, and we'd like to test
it on a PIII. I am aware that there are probably lots of CPU
optimizations/features which will not be supported, but the main thing I'm
concerned about is functionality: things like untrapped CPU-specific bugs,
device-driver imcompatibilities, etc.


# bryan at terran dot org
# http://www.terran.org/~bryan

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