2.3.21+Linus s/outw/outb/ patch:
rdev floppy : no way ( same Vojtech's result )
loadlin 1.6a: no way ( blank screen )
2.3.21+Chris bootcode fixes, take 3
rdev floppy : BOOT OK
loadlin 1.6a: BOOT OK
2.3.22-1 :
rdev floppy : BOOT OK
loadlin 1.6a: no way ( blank screen )
"Richard B. Johnson" wrote:
> What doesn't it do? Do something like:
> cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /tmp
> rdev /tmp/bzImage /dev/root
> cp /tmp/bzImage /dev/fd0
> See if this boots from a floppy okay.
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