On Tue, 12 Oct 1999 18:58:11 +0200, Jens Benecke <jens@pinguin.conetix.de> wrote:
>I have an old LST 1.8 distribution on CD here, containing a full Linux
>distribution with kernel 1.0.9, gcc of the same age, XFree 2.something and
>a load of other tools. Runs fine in VMWare :-)
>If anyone wants those bits I can put them up my FTP server. most of the
>utilities are just a couple MB... the whole distribution is a boggling
>120MB (or something) in size (wow!!). :-)
Hello Jens,
Could you put that CD on your FTP server, and maybe as well as some linux public sites so if someone needs to install old version of Linux, he can still get it? Let linux-kernel email list know and cc to me also. Thank you very much for helping.
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