Re: knfsd 1.5.x and patches provided with it.?? (I am so confused)

Christian Reis (
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 15:51:37 -0200 (EDT)

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Marco Bano wrote:

> -- the kernel nfsd (module) have something in common with the knfsd
> (rpc.mountd ) that you compile with the knfsd 1.5.2 ?

The userspace tools (knfsd-x.tar.gz) are needed to run kernel nfs: they
provide rpc.mountdi, and rpc.nfsd which in the kernel nfs architecture is
the [knfsd] thread controller. So along with the patched, configured knfsd
kernel, you'll need the userspace knfsd-x.tar.gz tools compiled and
installed. They are started up very similarly to user-space nfs; the main
difference in usage is that after altering /etc/exports you have to use
exportfs (instead of issuing a HUP to mountd and nfsd), which is a utility
provided to update the exports you're offering. knfsd uses files in the
/var/lib/nfs directory to maintain the current exports, well, current.

Much has changed over the last weeks so this might not be totally
accurate, however.


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