2.2.13pre15 still freezes

Nils Faerber (Nils.Faerber@unix-ag.org)
Sun, 10 Oct 1999 22:58:14 +0200

OK, forget about my post that downgrading egcs to gcc would have
been the cure. It wasn't. Some time afterwards the machine stopped again.
But interestingly I could not get it to boot again until I conneted the AC
adapter again (ah, yes, a notebook ;)
The battery was at about 40% or more. After the AC adapter was connected
everything is working again until now. Slowly this crappy PC hardware is
driving me crazy! Maybe I am suffering more than the kernel freeze problem?
Maybe my hardware is broken too and the DC power supply from the battery
fails at about 40% with small dropouts? Who knows? Though this is already a
replacement notebook because the first had a faulty floppy and CDROM...
BTW: It is a Mitac Mi6020 if this is known by someone...

Nils Faerber (Linux Nils)        eMail: nils@unix-ag.org
Student of computer science      http://www.si.unix-ag.org/~nils/
Unix user group, University of Siegen, Germany

Siegen ... the arctic rain forest!


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