Re: PUBLIC CHALLENGE: (was RE: devfs again, (was RE: USB device a lloc ation) )

Horst von Brand (
Sat, 09 Oct 1999 21:57:34 -0400

Shawn Leas <> said:
> From: Stephen Frost []

> >> So why not simply let the driver decide upon it's nodes' permissions?
> > Because I want user joe to own /dev/fd0?

> So chown it!!!!! Devfsd gives you persistance. Don't
> give me that "till I reboot" bullshit.

It does not, as you have explained time and again here.

> >> This is a straw man argument. You take an easy target, knock it down,
> >> and it really doesn't mean anything, but you claim victory. Shame.

> > Having to have a configuration file for permissions is not a good
> >thing. Permissions go with files, they don't go in a config file
> >somewhere.

> Configurable with defaults, and your changes are persistant.
> You absolutely have not read the FAQ, or you are lieing
> intentionally.

OK, there are defaults (compiled into the driver). There is a configuration
file with the interesting property that when devfs starts up, it sets the
permissions recorded in that file, unless root changed them five reboots
before. In that case it gets those when reading the file.

Horst von Brand                   
Casilla 9G, Viņa del Mar, Chile                               +56 32 672616

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