Re: PUBLIC CHALLENGE: (was RE: devfs again, (was RE: USB device a lloc ation) )

(no name) ((no email))
09 Oct 1999 16:59:49 -0400

>>>>> "Horst" == Horst von Brand <> writes:
> Irix does it, Solaris does it too, ... I know the Solaris one, and don't
> like it: You must reboot to get new devices attached. Also, devices change

Try to read `/etc/init.d/{drv,dev}*' one of these days on Solaris.

> Strange. I've been running OSS on my PC for quite some time, no problems
> there. No devfs in sight, done it way before devfs was dreamed up even.

Maybe it's because you don't read what you reply to ?
The claim was that OSS would break if you used modules along with a script
that clears the /dev hierarchy based on what is really available (hint:
before the OSS module is loaded, those things are not available so the
devices would be removed, preventing the autoloading from kicking in).

> All of them handle them as files that have persistent permissions, AFAIK.

Oh yes! But persistence of the special-device-file is not necessarily
such a good idea when the underlying major/minor assignmment is dynamic.


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